Monday, November 15, 2010

The Hair Book

Translation: Hair! Hair! It's everywhere!
Some have a little. Some have lots. Plain hair, striped hair, polka dots.
Curls and braids and beards and lashes. Whiskers, eyebrows, long mustaches.
Dark hair, fair hair, wig hair, bear hair. Everybody seems to wear hair.
So many different kinds of hair! Lambs have woolly coats to wear.
Pigs have bristles. They don't care. And porcupines have quills that scare. (aaah!)
With hair there's so, so much to do... wash it, dry it, braid it, dye it,
Curl it, clip it, comb it, snip it,
And think of the things that you could do if your hair just grew, and grew and grew!
You could make a ladder with your hair, or be the maypole at the fair.
And if you grew a long goatee, you could use your hair to water-ski!
Fish and snails- do they have hair? Not one hair. Not anywhere.
Be glad you're not a fish or snail. Be glad you're not a hairless whale,
A frog, a turtle, or a snake. Enjoy your hair for goodness' sake!
Plain or dyed, loose or tied, curly or straight,