Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ruby's first words?

Give ruby the computer keyboard, and this is what she comes up with:
(and I quote)

???,,,m h,, vccvvv g gb

In all actuality, she is saying some words now, and it's extradorable. We have "uh-oh," "diddy," (kitty) and some animal sounds. She loves her barnyard animals book, and we come into the room sometimes to her reading the book on her own and attempting her own little animal sounds.



shayla made this lil' guy the other night...

dance party 2009!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Ruby tv

sorry about the sound, folks...


snow angel!

there's no such thing as a free flickr...

To all those who keep up with our picture uploads on flickr: We're making a little switch to blogger. We don't feel like paying $25 a year to keep all of our pictures viewable. That's my preface to: MORE CUTE RUBY PICTURES!

here she is, at almost 11 months: